frequently asked questions
During an Akashic Records Reading, where is the information coming from?
During an Akashic Records reading, we are communicating directly with your Akashic Guides that reside within the Akashic Records themselves. The Lords of the Akashic Records and your Guides within the records act as "Gate Keepers" or "Librarians" for your Soul's records throughout all lifetimes. Once we are connected into the Records, the information comes directly from the Heart of the Akashic Records to Kat and to you. None of this is intuitive, as it is direct relay of information coming through from your Akashic Records.
To prepare for an Akashic Records Reading, how many questions should I write?
As many as you'd like. Sometimes the questions are answered very quickly and some answers are more lengthy, it all depends. Write out whatever questions are coming from your heart and we will do our best to get through as many as possible during the time of your session. For the most part, we typically get through all of the questions, with occasional time to spare for any additional questions that may arise while in the records.
Why do I have to prepare questions?
The Akashic Records is a like a High-Vibrational library or database. It is an opportunity for you to gain information about your Soul's journey and wisdom. In order to start looking and find the right information, (or the right "book" or "file") we need to ask the question first - in the same way that we type the question into the search engine in order to receive the answers.
How many questions do I have time for?
It varies for each person around the depth of the topic we're accessing, or if there is deep healing needed around the topic, so there is no solid answer to this. I'd recommend taking a moment to meditate and connect in with your heart before writing your questions for your session.
Why do you need my full legal name for the reading?
The vibration of your full legal name in this lifetime is the key that connects us to your Soul's specific records.
Can I ask about loved ones or get information for another person during my reading?
Yes and no. Yes, you may ask about your relationship to or with another person, and receive more insight on your role in their life. But, no, we absolutely do not, will not, and cannot access another person's Records without their permission or presence.
During readings, do you predict the future?
Kat reads energy and conveys messages from your guides. She does not do predictions for your future as there is the element of free will in your journey and anything can change at any moment according to your decisions. Kat will relay the information that comes through to empower you so you can continuously move forward on your highest, organic life path. However, you (and you alone) are solely responsible for your life and any decisions you choose to take, or not take. Readings can assist with guidance and the best readings are simply confirmation of what you already knew, but ultimately again, you and you alone know the truth of what is best for your life from within yourself.